Trying to figure it out

Well hello, 

I chose to start this blog simply because I want this to be a platform where nothing is taboo, so Any and Everything can be discussed.

I just recently turned 21 !! ( 07-17-96) cancer babies are the best baby !!

I have no kids, no significant other, and I currently have two jobs 😅

I work as a phone tech repairing cellphones; fixing charge ports, screens, and headphone jacks. Which I thoroughly enjoy.    

            My other job is a retail associate at a higher end clothing store and I love retail well I love                   fashion in general .. But retail is retail, just have to roll with the punches.

This blog is an outlet for Any and Everything. I am always down for a civilized debate.
      Feel free to chime in on anything or suggest any topic.

Until next time ✌✌💕


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