How I got the bottle of wine open

You’d think I would have gotten a bottle opener but I was drooling over the free bottle of wine.

So when I got home I was a bit disappointed.  So of course I googled how to open a bottle without a bottle opener.  There was one about a hammer and a nail.  So the whole point is to use leverage to pop the cork out of the bottle.

I had a Phillip screwdriver and I stabbed, not poked but stabbed the cork then I would lift from an angle to lift the cork and I just worked my wat around the perimeter of top of the bottle.  I then used a butter knife and stuck that in the neck of the bottle a little ways past the top of the bottle then continued to work the bottle until “POP” it opened.  SO just in case you get home with a bottle that isn’t a screw top there are ways to get them open but if you can remember I would recommend a wine opener .


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